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Armstrong Center for Dance

The Building

The 30,000 square foot Armstrong Center for Dance has eight, state-of-the-art professional dance studios and amenities for the professional Company including locker rooms and showers as well as a physical therapy room. Colorado Ballet's home also has its own Black Box Theater performance space featuring 135 seats for a performance and up to 177 seats for a lecture-style event. The Black Box Theater hosts the Company's popular Attitude on Santa Fe performances, featuring new works choreographed and performed by the dancers, and the Academy's Saturday Soirees, which include new works and other ballets performed by our talented students. The Armstrong Center for Dance has safer, more convenient student drop-off and offers free parking in the neighborhood along Santa Fe Drive and Kalamath Street. Our home also features an Academy parent and student lounge and a retail dance boutique. Anchoring the north end of Denver’s Art District on Santa Fe, the Armstrong Center for Dance is located in a thriving cultural neighborhood close to Downtown Denver. We frequently display paintings and photography by local artists on our walls. Please stop by and take a class, watch a performance or attend an event!

Armstrong Center for Dance

1075 Sante Fe Dr, Denver

1075 Sante Fe Dr, Denver

Last updated 06/25/18 • Added 06/23/18